This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Use signal / slot handlerΒΆ

Adding a new signal slot is easy. Just add code like the following in your ext_localconf.php:

//Implement handling of signals from rating
$signalSlotDispatcher = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_Extbase_SignalSlot_Dispatcher');
$signalSlotDispatcher->connect('Thucke\\ThRating\\Controller\\VoteController', 'afterCreateAction', 'ThRatingSignalSlotHandler', 'afterCreateRatingAction',FALSE);

Second you may create the file e.g. with the following content:

if (!defined ('TYPO3_MODE'))    die ('Access denied.');

class tx_f4missions_main_signalHandler {

    * Signal handler after a rating has bee created
    * Do timestamp update on changed entry and
    * set new staticPre- and staticPostContent on inital display and
    * set new pre- and postContent with each AJAX-Request
   function afterCreateRatingAction( $signalSlotMessage, &$customContent ) {
      $updateFields['tstamp'] = time();
      $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_UPDATEquery( $signalSlotMessage['tablename'], 'uid='.$signalSlotMessage['uid'], $updateFields);
      $customContent['staticPreContent']='<b>This ist my staticPreContent</b>';
      $customContent['staticPostContent']='<b>This ist my staticPostContent</b>';
      $customContent['preContent']='<b>This ist my preContent</b>';
      $customContent['postContent']='<b>This ist my postContent</b>';

This handler will update the field tstamp of the rated row each time a rating is added.